The higher the capitalization number the more secure a bank is considered. Capitalizationįirst United Bank has a Capitalization of 8.52% versus the BestCashCow average of 10.43.Ĭapitalization measures how much equity capital a bank has to underpin loans and other assets on its balance sheet. A bank with a consistently high ROE can be considered well run.Ī bank with a consistently low ROE can be considered poorly run. Return on equity measures how efficiently a bank is making money from its capital. To cover these potential losses it had $56,392,000 in equity and $5,386,000 in loans loss reserves.įirst United Bank has a Return on Equity of 15.14% versus the BestCashCow average of 13.18%. The closer the Texas Ratio is to 1-to-1 or 100%, the less capital and reserves a bankįirst United Bank had $579,000 in non-current loans and $0 in owned real estate. With its tangible common equity and its loan loss reserves.Ī lower Texas ratio indicates better coverage of problem loans. The Texas Ratio compares the bank’s non performing assets (non-performing loans and real estate owned) No depositor has ever lost deposits that have been within the FDIC insurance limits. The following ratios and data are available to help you better understand the financial condition of First United Bank. What can we help you find Need Help with Digital Banking Limited-Time CD Offer 4.45 APY 4.35 APY Schedule an appointment with a banker Learning Center.